This page can be used to find various pieces of information, including addresses, phone numbers, bioskectches
and many useful links. Just follow the blue ...
My CV (long, pdf)
My Biosketch (NIH, pdf)
My Biosketch (MS Word)
My Photos
My Wiki
My affiliations
Dialog.alert({url: "popup_windows/appointment_panel.html", options: {method: 'get'}},
{windowParameters: {className: "alphacube", width:740}, okLabel: "Close"});
My office(s)
var win = new Window(Application.getNewId(), {className: "spread", title: "Find us",
top:100, left:200, width:700, height:600,
resizable: true, url: "popup_windows/find_us.html", showEffectOptions: {duration:3}})
My schedule
var win = new Window(Application.getNewId(), {className: "spread", title: "My Monthly Calendar",
top:50, left:100, width:700, height:700,
resizable: true, url: "https://bmicalendar.cchmc.org/month.php?user=jmeller", showEffectOptions: {duration:3}})
Phone and fax numbers
Dialog.alert({url: "popup_windows/phone_panel.html", options: {method: 'get'}},
{windowParameters: {className: "alphacube", width:540}, okLabel: "Close"});
My e-mail
Dialog.alert({url: "popup_windows/email_panel.html", options: {method: 'get'}},
{windowParameters: {className: "alphacube", width:540}, okLabel: "Close"});
My mail address(es)
Dialog.alert({url: "popup_windows/address_panel.html", options: {method: 'get'}},
{windowParameters: {className: "alphacube", width:540}, okLabel: "Close"});
My picture
Dialog.alert({url: "popup_windows/picture_panel.html", options: {method: 'get'}},
{windowParameters: {className: "alphacube", width:740}, okLabel: "Close"});
My academic path
var win = new Window(Application.getNewId(), {className: "spread", title: "My Academic Path",
top:50, left:100, width:700, height:700,
resizable: true, url: "my/path.html", showEffectOptions: {duration:3}})
My home page
var win = new Window(Application.getNewId(), {className: "spread", title: "Jarek Meller Home",
top:100, left:30, width:930, height:500,
resizable: true, url: "my/home.html", showEffectOptions: {duration:3}})